Unban after a few years
Your name: Fluxx

Your ban ID: 20845

Banned by: Console

Reason: Threatening to DDoS.

Involved: A couple admins and i THINK Soul.

Why we should unban you: I am EXTERMELY sorry for ever acting immature and "skiddish" on your server, i fully understand that threatening to launch a DDoS is unacceptable and i have faced the conquences for being a idiot. I was young and i always used to get into tantrums due to my anger problems which have now been fully worked out. I understand that is not a excuse for threating your community AT ALL but i really feel that now i am more mature and civilized i can be a benificial player on your community.When i was banned i was 12, Im now 16. I hope to be a part of this community once again. I am explicitly begging for you to change your mind about me. I promise to be mature about all the situations i may encounter on this server.

Im sorry for the hard time i gave to Fearless's Admins, Developers and network staff for the threat i gave out, I will apologize to everyone personally if you come forward and tell me, I will do this if im unbanned or the ban stays put.

Thank you for reading.

(Ps: This is the only account email i could remember.)

Messages In This Thread
Unban after a few years - by Kickstartz - 08-06-2015, 10:44 PM
RE: Unban after a few years - by Grub - 08-08-2015, 07:18 AM

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