UBR - Jarz
Dear Jarz,

               We have quite a few issues here. Since first off, yes you have posted an unban request as soon as I had denied yours for a valid reason. The current problem I have is the fact you ignore the rules that I have stated to you multiple times. I can understand why you are acting in such a way because I had to remove you from our servers. Especially since this ban had to be a permanent ban due to your previous rule infractions and that fact your previous ban was a last chance. With what you had said, you had broke the rules twice. The rules state "4.3 Do not throw molotovs without a roleplay reason." Which was indeed broken two times. One time at the bus stop which does not concern this case, and one at a public area known as the parking garage on V33x. A "test" reason is not a valid Roleplay reason in the Fearless Community. That would allow people to openly RDM for the reason "Test". Now when people have a bug, one would contact a member apart of the staff to approach it, especially since this "bug" breaks one of our rules on Fearless. Showing your video only continues to prove how very wrong you are. "For Testing purposes, within your base", Which brings to light that he meant it pertained to the fact you would be behind closed doors (Props) and out of the public eye. However, you ran to the parking garage, taking roughly fifteen seconds to slap letters on the wall, which spelled TEST, and threw a molotov from the entrance way. I thank you for posting evidence like you have because it truly does aide us in this unban request.

You never told me I needed permission

As member apart of the team, we expect our players to read the rules. I should not have to show such a rule to an experienced player such as yourself. Your case directly violates the rules in place. I believe it is quite obvious that one would need permission to break a rule. I apologize if it is not.

 place to test a molotov was on my property

His exact words are, " would be somewhere like within your base", which you continue to ignore. 

Also, I had control of that property bud,

The issue of the matter is you completely ignored what Nighthawk had said. You were still visible by the public when he had stated "would be somewhere like within your base".

The evidence is right there slick,

 I had control of that property bud,

I suggest you stop your disrespect at this point forward or I will be forced to warn you on the forums.

is absolutely BS. I complied with your moderators and showed them respect. I was dumbfounded at the bug of the molotov and asked about it a few times, but other than that I let the process do its thing. They said, IN THE VIDEO I PROVIDED, to test it on my property. So I did. You saw it yourself Grub. And for you to say I blatantly ignored the moderators ruling and broke a rule blatantly in the process is absolute BS. He said to test it not in the street, but in my property. I did. This has NOTHING to do with roleplay when I'm testing a bug.

You did not comply with my moderators as the video proves that. You had never asked permission to break Rule 4.3 Do not throw molotovs without a roleplay reason. You had no reason to throw the molotov for the reason "test" thus you were banned. They did not say to test it on your property, they had stated to do it behind closed doors, away from public eye. "Within your base", which means to be covered and surrounded by your base so that none can see your actions. You did not follow what he had asked of you. I did see it myself which is why I have every right to give you a ban from the servers. If I had not witnessed your actions, I could of not acted upon it since I wouldn't of had the evidence I have now. We have blacklisted and applied the rules to other players who tested things on each other, you are no different. You will not get special treatment like any other player on the Fearless Community. 

Now Jarz, you can continue to say I am acting bias, but the fact of the matter is, the rules could not be any clearer.

Your request has been denied after I had consulted with three staff members. Thank you for your time.

[FL] Lt.Grub
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

Messages In This Thread
UBR - Jarz - by Falcon - 08-05-2015, 07:41 AM
RE: UBR - Jarz - by Falcon - 08-05-2015, 07:45 AM
RE: UBR - Jarz - by Grub - 08-05-2015, 08:37 AM

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