Player Report: [TG:A] Tomoash, Falcao
(07-31-2015, 04:17 PM)Tomoash Wrote: Firstly, you guys were clearly trying to get infront of my vehicle and provoke me, hence i edged forwards slowly(so I wouldn't kill you).

Yes, and my friend shot at your car for this, since your harmed him.

Quote:I reconnected because my hud was glitched, I could not see any of the information in the bottom left, which i mentioned in OOC and said to Falcao. I have had this issue before and reconnecting always fixes it. Upon rejoining, I did not even spawn in my car, which proves I didn't reconnect to get my car back.

I don't recall either of you saying anything in OOC after this?  It would have been very convenient for your HUD to glitch out just 2 minutes after the situation occurred.

The video is strategically edited so that it does not show me mentioning my HUD problem, but if you check the logs, I clearly stated that I was having issues.

It's still considered rulebreaking to gain access to your car after you died, or if your car was broken, impounded etc.

(07-31-2015, 04:19 PM)Falcao Wrote: I'm sorry, but from what I understand I am allowed to shoot him with a valid RP reason. My reason was we had a big argument, he assaulted me and I was acting like a good friend of his and waiting for my chance to pounce, that was my chance and I took it.

If you're referring to Tomoash, you didn't need to kill him while he was injured.  He has the option to kill himself if paramedics aren't available.

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RE: Player Report: [TG:A] Tomoash, Falcao - by ilmon3y - 07-31-2015, 05:25 PM

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