Player Report: PetitPepe
Hey all,

I'd like to explain that both of us were criminals, and that both of us had been plotting to "deal" with these officers for some time, as they had been standing outside tunnel stopping us everytime we drove past for petty reasons, which we strongly assumed was just to annoy us on purpose. We had also been arrested and fined by them multiple times (I estimate I'd probably paid them about $1k in fines to them at this point), which was even more reason for us to have a disliking against them.

At the point in the video, my friend was being arrested for j-walking. I saw this from across the street and knew that he was carrying expensive weapons at the time, and didn't want him to get arrested and lose them. Now rewatching the video it is clear that the officer only wanted him to pay a fine, but I wasn't aware of this as I had ran back to equip my weapon as soon as I saw the officer pull a tazer on my friend, and then acted quickly because I believed the cop was about to cuff him. My main intention was to create a distraction, although as you can see in the video I then attempted to kill the officer because I knew he was going to kill me otherwise. I was successful, as my friend was able to escape.

Please also note that as clearly shown in this clip, I didn't actually end up killing a single person in this incident.

Messages In This Thread
Player Report: PetitPepe - by ilmon3y - 07-23-2015, 11:15 PM
RE: Player Report: PetitPepe - by PetitPepe - 07-24-2015, 11:41 AM
RE: Player Report: PetitPepe - by ilmon3y - 07-24-2015, 02:15 PM
RE: Player Report: PetitPepe - by Obay - 07-25-2015, 09:19 PM

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