Report: JustinDSD
Erm mate. My Roleplay Reason was that as Vice President, I felt, in character, that you were oppressing the people of the city. This was evident to me when you were trying to force me out of a job because of a simple name change. As a result, for RP reasons, I felt that it was beyond my power to do anything legally, so I went and found somebody to help me out, in this case, a hit-man, to free a city of, what I felt was, its tyrant. Seriously, though, even though I do enjoy being President, as does anybody who has played on the server, I am not really to bothered about being president. I have been Vice President to several people, and have not had a hit-man sent to them. Later on that day, I was a cop, but again, as many other people, such as rebels, I felt that the President was being oppressive and wouldn't listen, so I allowed people, to try and stage. In this incident, I had no intention of taking the presidents place. If this is failRP, I apologise for it, I genuinely thought it was a vaild RP reason.
However, this is similar to the president case, as I have hired someone to, for what I would have considered a genuine RP reason, to free a city of its tyrant, even though this time, I did take the presidents place. I apologize, I will not make this mistake again.

Note: Would also like to point that before yesterday, I had not been on these servers for about 6 months, so I was still getting my bearings with the rule. For example, I did not understand that the Hitman Rule had been changed. This does not take away from my actions, but helps to give a better understanding.

Messages In This Thread
Report: JustinDSD - by Officer Donut - 07-06-2015, 04:21 PM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by Kierondeeuk - 07-06-2015, 04:27 PM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by JustinDSD - 07-06-2015, 10:44 PM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by Officer Donut - 07-06-2015, 11:10 PM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by Audien - 07-07-2015, 01:14 AM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by Officer Donut - 07-07-2015, 01:31 AM
RE: Report: JustinDSD - by Obay - 07-10-2015, 08:29 PM

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