Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit?
I do, and my common sense tells me that 1. People shouldn't be able to hear you through your car unless your window is up, 2. Cops shouldn't arrest for something they literally cannot arrest you for (even admins told me they can't arrest you for being disrespectfull, unless it is a law) and 3. People shouldn't use the OOC-info to identify and just arrest you.

I COULD fill out banrequests on these things, ofcourse, but that would be alot of requests, because this happends often. As stated, I got arrested yesterday for asking "What the fuck's your problem?" to an officer, and that was 15 minutes in jail, and this cop had 195 hours, he should've known that he couldn't arrest someone based on a simple question.

I can understand that some of you might not see this thing as important as me, but when I actually play "seriously" and get arrested 15 minutes for something like that, it really grinds my gears.

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RE: Adjust the rules/definition of semi-RP abit? - by WillyVodka - 07-04-2015, 09:56 AM

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