Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
(06-30-2015, 05:34 PM)WilliamFarmery10 Wrote: Me and basic after a while talking on skype have decided wee now friends - ish. Wait on basic to confirm this.

Incorrect. We are not friends or even friends-ish. Not after this and how much shit you have got me in.
So, confirmed?

Also, if you count a while as 1 minute on Skype for me to then have to go to Badminton training, then sure, we talked for fucking ever.

(In-case is looks it; I am not being sarcastic in any of the things I have said!)
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RE: Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10 - by BasicallyMental - 06-30-2015, 08:47 PM

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