Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
Alright, so. This was a warning to stop feeding more anger into my system. I was very annoyed at this time, not because of the clan, but for other reasons from basic. [Things from my own server etc] However, if you were to look through the logs; you can see I have not said anything else. In any cases I wouldn't of said anything as I know it is against the rules; and I don't like giving out personal stuff, as I have had it done to me before which made me exit a server. (Me being gay etc).
However my anger at this time was around a 7/10, and as we were arguing as well, he baited me to say that.

And you said thank you? You didn't say this, I cannot remember exactly what you said; if I do then I will reply, however I remember and know for a fact that you never said thank you.

I believe the reason he has blanked out some of the text is to hide what he said.

I want to leave these arguments, as it always ends up into more trouble.
My main statement here is it was a warning to stop getting both of us into more trouble, as I had a severe amount of anger built up inside my body I had against basic, and was never going to be intentional, in fact never going to be spread out. I apologise for anything, if it had set anything off.

If you require more or anything, please reply either here or message me on steam, thank you.

I want to be friends, to be back to normal,, skyping nearly every day.
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek

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RE: Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10 - by Zambie ^‿^ - 06-30-2015, 03:06 PM

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