Player report: BOT Jericho
You're also going to carry your lie towards the forums? Let me tell you this, lying within the courthouse will result in severe punishment.

Here's the scenario before the admin sit.

Wrabbie and I were driving around our tides truck. A BMW then consistently rammed our car till we were forced to get out the car, over the mic he says "Get out the car". Wrabbie and I get out the car in hopes to question him as to what he wanted. During this time an awkward few seconds of silence lapses (him going to his inventory as it seems) I hear ammunition being loaded. I whip out my pre-equipped bat and kill him before he even uses his weapon.

Then a mustang pulls up in the middle of the road, 2 rebels come out the car; one with a suit and one without. I approach the one without a suit and wrabbie approaches the one with a suit.

*Only the rebel with the suit has a gun out.

I approach the suitless rebel and he does the same as the rebel I've killed earlier. He begins to load his ammunition, but then again, I knock him out before he was able to 'use' his weapon. Therefore, no gun was present. However, during this, the rebel with the suit open fires on wrabbie hence he fights back till he is killed. Once wrabbie has been killed, the rebel in the suit begins to open fire at me. 5 minutes lapses - having such a bad aim, he was unsuccessful at killing me despite the fact I was merely equipped with a bat. He then flees in his mustang.

After the current events which leads to this very point. I get geared up and hunt him down in hopes to avenge my comrade aswell as gain revenge. I then locate him and stealthly exterminate him through my scope.

Messages In This Thread
Player report: BOT Jericho - by Kanus - 06-29-2015, 08:17 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Jericho - 06-29-2015, 08:39 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Jericho - 06-29-2015, 08:46 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Ridderzz9 - 06-29-2015, 08:51 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Ridderzz9 - 06-29-2015, 08:53 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Jericho - 06-29-2015, 09:33 PM
RE: Player report: BOT Jericho - by Obay - 07-10-2015, 07:11 PM

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