Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
Name of player: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82596154

Time in GMT: About 19:20

Server: v33x

Summary: I kicked WilliamFarmery from my clan because of something bad that he did for my clan. He started saying stuff about my clan. All I said was thank you, it then led to him threatening to give out personal information between me and my mum. I did not do anything bad to spark him saying this, it was just him showing some hate towards me in OOC without me because of a valid clan demotion!

Evidence: (The bits covered up are things that are invalid to the report)
[Image: sAZS9Kg.jpg]
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10 - by BasicallyMental - 06-29-2015, 06:46 PM

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