Food System - Recipes and Plants - Community Input
@Jokhah: Alternatively, I respect your opinion on the matter and also note that while this is a semi-serious gamemode that does not indicate that we have to only develop our gamemode for those that are incapable of understanding how to play the game and know every single aspect of the game. There are plenty of DarkRP gamemode servers that are out there that have the current system we have and I've had my fair share of DarkRP and will note that is has never been something that I was very fond of. 

Maybe I didn't convey my vision as well as I could have but this is how I would like to see our game-mode:
  • Schematic prices are increased and become an investment
  • Resources can be gathered through alternate methods; both Pas/Agr (Stealing, Mining, Farming, Logging, Fishing)
With this in mind there are going to be very few people that are able to possess every single schematic, unless they were to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars for said schematics. Owning a schematic does not mean you can just produce your items in an armored house nor does it result in a loss of player interaction. The individual who possesses the schematic will of course still be required to obtain said resources to produce the item. They by all means should be able to go out and gather those resources themselves or alternatively buy them off of other players. They could hire people, give them tools and a salary and have them go out and collect. If anything, this is going to increase player interaction rather than how it is right now. 

Spoiler: Average Chef Conversation
Citizen: 5 chinese please
Chef: $1500
Citizen: ok

Even so, the chef class has become redundant as most classes are allowed to fish and the cost of fish is relatively cheaper and replenishes more hunger than the items spawned by the chef. Not to mention, it is a rare day in EvoCity when someone buys something below Chinese Food (besides alcohol). 

"Sure, you COULD make your own shop that sells made weapons and ammo, but there would be absolutely no reason to shop at it, mechanically speaking."

Is there a reason for me to go to someone to buy fish when I myself possess the full capability to go and catch said fish myself? The process for crafting said item(s) would be a tedious process and an expensive investment considering the schematic for building a gun may range > $50,000. If they wish to spend the time, energy and money then by all means they should be able to.

May as well remove rebels, corleones, security guards, chaffeurs, nexus secretary as well because they can also be done customly. You would end up with these jobs: Paramedic, Police, SWAT, Fireman, President, and custom job.  Seems like a lovely idea till you look at it on paper.  Custom RP should be a choice, not a requirement

I see no issue in removing some of those positions anyways, as the Security Guard role itself is unneeded. Respectively, the chaffeur class is something that can again be modified to be a business venture rather than an F1 button. You invest in a Chaffeur License and a Taxi Cab and you should be good to go. People have RP'ed this class many times, from private drivers to forming an Uber agency in EvoCity. 

The statement that Custom RP should be a choice is something that I do not necessarily understand considering that there is a relatively small difference what I am suggesting:

  • Security Job - Current State
  • Citizen - Custom Job Title "Security Guard - Purchasable Security Guard Outfit
It shouldn't be as simple as joining a job and spawning items, imo.
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RE: Food System - Recipes and Plants - Community Input - by Nevy - 06-29-2015, 05:46 PM

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