Unban Request
I look at all of the friends, friends I made on your servers, in my friends list, playing on your servers and I miss the days when I could join them, when I could join your servers and be sure of a solid RP experience.
It really hurts remembering all of the things I used to do on your servers like doing some fishing,making a crudely constructed casino in the middle of a field, maybe  building a giant mafia controlled fortress in the villa. I especially miss just hanging out in the nexus building with a couple of my SRU (now swat I believe) buddies.
I was never there to cause grief or to "torment or "plague" the server I was there to RolePlay, and I truly truly understand now what moron I was and how idiotic I was behaving.
I was "living in the moment" and never understanding how my consequences would effect the world I really lived in.
I was that person who did things to get a couple of laughs, I was never a bully or someone who caused a great deal of harm I just didn't understand what I was doing and I hate myself for it.
I spent so much time on your servers and I was addicted to it and like an addict I just needed more and more.  I couldn't escape the rush of doing something so stupid as messing around with a police man because I knew that irl I would never even dream of doing such a stupid thing and I honestly have no idea why I thought it was a good idea to do it on your servers in your time.
I want to RP and I want to do it properly.
I was really attached to your server, I played on it every day and every night and in the 730 hours I have in Gmod. At least 600 of them were on the Fearless servers.
Writing this has really made me realise what a jerk I was. I have had an epiphany and I have changed my ways.
I realise now that before I was not there to RP, I was there to f about and use your resource's like a Joyrider uses their stolen car.But if you unban me I will use your server as it is meant to be, a place where if someone wants to be a barber they can be a barber! and if they want to be the mafia boss and run a enterprise of drugs they can!
I hope you understand that I am a changed man, and that you release me of this self-inflicted hell.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by Kman - 06-28-2015, 08:42 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Kman - 06-28-2015, 08:47 AM
RE: Unban Request - by dig - 06-28-2015, 10:45 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Preditor - 06-29-2015, 04:03 AM
RE: Unban Request - by Kman - 06-29-2015, 03:15 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Preditor - 06-29-2015, 06:28 PM

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