UBL: Jokah
After taking a few hours to think about this, I'm gonna go ahead and add on some information about myself.  I'm doing this so you can get a feel for who I am and what I stand for.  Part of the problem when it comes to appealing to the staff is that most of the time, you don't know the person, just what you saw them do.  I'm doing this in a different post so that the time stamp can be noted.

First thing: I want it to be crystal clear, I have absolutely nothing against [FL] Obay.  I hear nothing but good things about him as an administrator.  This isn't me trying to make any form of statement about him or the way he performs his administrative tasks.  This is purely because I feel the judgement call was incorrect.

Second: It's pretty well known that I can be extremely aggressive.  This has been noted about my play style by both clans and staff.  I believe my general aggressive attitude was even taken into consideration during my demotion decision.  That being said, I haven't really been aggressive in a long time, outside of the occasion that I want to play a thug or something similar.  Even then, I typically do not raid or murder in cold blood.  Most people seem to understand that unless I'm provoked, I stay fairly chill.  Once provoked, I can turn from a butterfly to a sexual tryannosaurus.  It's not because I want to hurt people or be violent.  Simply put, if I end up with a situation where the other person is likely to come back and make an attempt on my life, his time is up.  I'm not going to hide around and wait for when he decides to come back with friends, armed and kevlar'd, with the advantage of hitting first.  It's much easier to just throw down while both parties are ill prepared.  I'm one person, I'm not in Lombardi, #R, YMCM.  I don't have a ton of friends who basically sit around and wait for a chance to go murder people for yoloswag.  Little Mac here has a much better chance takin out Glass Joe when King Hippo and Mike Tyson aren't with him.

Third: I don't promote aggressive RP nor even aggressive behavior.  I truly don't.  It was fun when I was new and the community wasn't as dear to me, but I've been here a while, seen people come and go, friend and foe alike.  As aggressive as I can be, I try to stay with RPs like vending machine, street performer, club owner, nexus secretary.  When I feel like being passive aggressive I will play SWAT.  Most times I hang back and tend to let the rest of the team work the raid while I stay outside the entry.  I say it's to watch their backs and make sure they don't get blindsided, but most people don't creep up on SWAT, they usually form a defensive posture of some kind and try to outlast.

Fourth: I don't play word games.  I know I said it in the last post, but I will say it again here.  I do not play word games.  I have a very strong knowledge of rules.  It's a curse really, I've been good with them since I was a child playing board games.  The thought of twisting rules to gain an advantage as well as attempting to twist partial truths to make things go your way sickens me to the core.  What you might interpret as "word games" is most likely the reaction I get when I end up emotional.  I have a combination of issues that I've had to deal with since childhood, it leads me to be impulsive and sometimes volatile.  It's not an excuse, by any means.  Just trying to help you identify with what you experienced.  As smart as I am, as knowledgeable as I am, once I've glued to an emotional response, I can lose some of my critical understanding (not thinking, understanding) ability, which leads to a circle game.  Once I recognized that the situation had become a back and forth, I told you to do what you had to do and that I would see you in the UBR.  It's not intended to be disrespectful in tone, it's just me trying to get it back on track.  YOU are the admin, I am the player.  YOU need to be freed up so that you can go help the rest of the people and if you're lucky, maybe even play a bit.  US going back and forth, making little to no progress after the initial exchange, is really just a waste of BOTH our time.  Whatever you decide at that point becomes how it is, if I don't like it, I take it here as you suggested.

Fifth: I don't feel special because I am former staff.  I don't use my hours to condescend to other players.  I even requested my veteran tag be stripped so players won't try to use that against me.  Yes, I have seen several times "Just because you're a veteran you....."  or even "You're not staff here anymore, stop telling me....."  Trust me when I say, you think life is hard during the busy hours, pray you are smart enough never to get demoted.

I had more, such as trying to understand how I got slapped for aggressive fail rp from someone in Lombardi, the clan with the worst reputation for being insanely aggressive and finding EXCUSES to raid since YMCM or #R, but I felt that would be slinging mud.  I'm sure it's a gem of a clan with some of the most upstanding members of the community in it.
As this post has no value other then to shed light on aspects of my character, I'll understand if you decide to redpost it and won't take it personally.

Disclaimer: The clans listed in this post are purely there to serve as placeholders. They are easily the three most aggressive clans that I have experience in my time here. It's not intended to belittle them in anyway, I suppose that not everyone can be the good guy or passive rp.

Messages In This Thread
UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 01:47 AM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 08:41 AM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Barkles - 06-20-2015, 09:09 AM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Obay - 06-20-2015, 04:23 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 04:40 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 04:47 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 04:50 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 05:31 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Obay - 06-20-2015, 08:38 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-20-2015, 08:49 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Obay - 06-20-2015, 09:01 PM
RE: UBL: Jokah - by Obay - 06-20-2015, 09:02 PM

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