unban for failrp
Your name: PacMan

Your ban ID: 3565

Why we should unban you: I didnt rp fear whilke guys were pointing with weapons on me...but i tried to escape tu run away...I'm sorry for my mistake and I know the 24h rules but I cant wait pls mark this as posted at 11.00am ty :CheeseDDD because I wont be online at 11.00am ...I love your server and want to play there Blush
I know it might be annoying that i post it again but I spend nearly 1,5hrs reading everything in this forum that seems to be important. I hope it shows you I want to say sorry for the fail

Messages In This Thread
unban for failrp - by Rahiro - 09-26-2011, 05:18 AM
RE: unban for failrp - by Dryblood - 09-27-2011, 07:07 AM

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