David C. - Unban Request
Your name: David C.

Your ban ID: 62474

Banned by: [FL] Ikaros

Reason: trying to hostage a Sec guard in the nexys lobby because the laws was to '' hard '' then trying to stab me

Involved: Several whose names I don't completely remember

Why we should unban you: The president had created a huge list of laws, structured like a real life constitution with more than a hundred rows of text, that several other players complained was too long even for the police to understand what laws to enforce. Playing as a Rebel, I decided to live up to my name and convince the president to replace his onerous laws with simpler ones, so I stepped inside the Nexus with a knife and went behind the only security guard there, telling the president that I only wanted to talk, but that unless he agreed to simplify his laws, I would attack the guard. When the president adamantly refused like he didn't care, I started hitting the guard, but before I could kill him, a couple of bystander Citizens started attacking me with props. I ran around for a few seconds trying to either escape or hit whoever I could among my attackers, until I was suspended in the air with props and gunned down with an SMG by [FL] Ikaros. I was then immediately banned for a day, a very short amount of time, but still one I am unsure I deserved given the circumstances. I understand it's possible I broke 14.2c ("You cannot raid the President because you do not like certain laws, unless they drastically impact your character"). However, I felt that no one on the server was able to follow any of the numerous restrictive laws, therefore potentially making my raid allowed under "Reasons for raid/criminal activity", especially because I completely role-played until the president categorically said no (with him perhaps breaking FearRP a little and making it impossible for me to make a peaceful exit), and also because I was killed in an unrealistic and non-RP way (suspended in the air with props before being gunned down and banned).

Messages In This Thread
David C. - Unban Request - by DavidC - 06-16-2015, 08:14 AM
RE: David C. - Unban Request - by Decay - 06-16-2015, 09:07 AM
RE: David C. - Unban Request - by Old Man Jokhah - 06-16-2015, 11:52 AM
RE: David C. - Unban Request - by Decay - 06-16-2015, 02:48 PM

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