Unblacklist request
Name: Gscope

Time/Date: 24/09/2011

Steam ID: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:28807418

Blacklisted Job: Chef

Admin who blacklisted you: Forgot, it has been so long.

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Because I was a chef and I was up in the Presidents office role playing, he was saying how he is possessed and hear's a voice called misery in his head. So it was good role play. So I said to him "sir. I am here to put you out of your sadness and end misery once and for all" and I killed him. Then I was blacklisted from the chef job.
I have been blacklisted for many months now and I really want to be unblacklisted, I have learned my lesson.

Messages In This Thread
Unblacklist request - by Gscope - 09-24-2011, 09:00 PM

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