I am really, really p'ed off, Because i've been banned for false reasons
lets see the first case of FearRP was in front of nexus , you pulled and gun and opened fire on cop who already had guns on you which got bought up in ooc
FailRP - you was constantly driving around in your own car marked as stolen to antagonize police and get them to respond to it, in most cases you was breaking FearRP also, when a cop points a gun and says get out you do it, not question them or start driving abit etc
Then was the time you got killed, which as above was a result of you driving a car marked as stolen so cops/sru was stopping you
after your death and issues related to your car it was impounded
Why a cop was trying to give you the car back etc i dont know, sounds like FailRP/NLR on his part
but you did end up Breaking NLR you self when you returned to nexus in about 3 mins of death attempting to get your car, Using a keypad cracker is obviously not the right thing to do, even if a cop says to get
With those in mind the SRU knew you and the cop was in the wrong and that why he was confronting you, which you was once again Breaking fearRP and threatening to run over, which you followed through with

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RE: I am really, really p'ed off, Because i've been banned for false reasons - by Temar - 06-07-2015, 11:08 PM

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