Banned, by mistake? - Simply Don/Don Vito Corleone
Your name: Simply Don

Your ban ID: 61963

Banned by: [FL] Vauld

Reason: 61963Simply DonSTEAM_0:1:51303222Steam ProfileProp-smashing my vehicle
6 days, 16 hours

Involved: I have no clue, I think I was banned by mistake.

Why we should unban you: I honestly have no idea when I did this, but apparently I smashed an admins car with a prop. I literally have no sort of memory pop up when I think back. Only, that I helped to smash someones car out with a prop I spawned, which was hours before this. And I also had minor prop fight just for fun with someone, no one got hurt or got mad. If it is really necessary, I can wait for 6 days, but if you can do something that would be lovley.

(Detail: I went in to an NLR zone without thinking, and got blacklisted from NLR, so I need to wait. I was really tired and just wanted to go and watch a movie, so I disconnected from the server. Later on, I joined back and it just said: "You are banned from our server..."

Hope I can come on and see you all soon. - Don

Messages In This Thread
Banned, by mistake? - Simply Don/Don Vito Corleone - by Simply Don - 05-28-2015, 02:22 PM

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