How do you feel about the NEW weapons?
Well as people will probably know from my complaining on the thread, I did not like the update.

I simply think that gunplay on fearless is too realistic, and for me, at least when compared to the old system, that it is pretty boring.

As I've said before, I've put over 2 months of my life into playing on this server, the majority of which using the 'old' weapons. I immensly enjoyed using them, as I felt it did reward skill moreover anything else. (Although most of the weapons were unusable to use in Pvp.)

It's a hard one for me, really. I understand the staff point of view, making all weapons usable, allowing everyone to have a 'fair' chance, and making a more realistic system for an RP server.

But in my honest opinion, I'd rather have the old weapon system, in terms of damage, accuracy, Usable third person etc, with just the updated skins and sounds of the new pack. I dislike the attachment system, I find it a bit clunky, and it's way too complicated for a casual RP server like fearless. I detest the different types of ammo, I'd rather it be simplified. Realistic? Of course it is. Fun? No, it's a massive annoyance. It doesn't actually add content, and just adds to annoy the player. And I simply hate the new damage model. I was (As far as i'm aware) one shot the otherday, as SRU. I simply don't think that is fair, as it doesn't reward survivability at all. That is something which I have complained about in the other thread, so I won't divulge to much into it, but I personally liked the mass-using of healthkits and steroids, doing laps around your opponent etc. It was fun to me, and seemingly impressed even the newer to the community. (Often got whispers asking how I killed them etc, and lots of 'GGs'.

But as a summary, probably a bit dramatic, I feel as though PVP in it's 'old' sense is dead to the server. Granted there's more people using guns, more people getting kills, it just feels like it's more about luck/who shoots first.

*Note that this is the opinion of someone who's played hundreds of times more with the old system than the new one, and so would be natrually adverse to change. Also bear in mind this is my opinion, and I do recognize that some people just prefer the new system. I for one, recognize the amount of effort that went into it, but quite frankly it has made Fearless somewhat unplayable for me.*
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RE: How do you feel about the NEW weapons? - by Jono - 05-19-2015, 10:31 PM

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