Does this happen to everyone or just me (Please let me know)

This is not a big deal but when I am in game and press 'Q' some of the props have no Image or say error but when I spawn them they are fine and are in texture, does this happen to everyone.

The second thing is I had to manual download CS:S Content Jan2015 and CS:S Maps Addon Jan 2014 because when I download it off steam I get Errors and missing textures on the map, but since I have manual downloaded the above I have been fine. But Will it effect my game speed since I have had to manual download them. 

And the last thing the house fences by the lake on the houses have purple and black squares around them. Is that just me?


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Does this happen to everyone or just me (Please let me know) - by BouncingBall - 05-07-2015, 08:09 PM

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