Player Report: Baskinger
No no no, you and your friend crashed my car into the side and got me out of my car. When i got out your friend started knifing me with his knife so i ran away after getting in some stabs myself. I took out a gun and warned your friend about not getting closer, this is when you came in and tried to punch me. I told you to get back off and only your friend complied.

You started recording later i assume (or only showed the last bit) where you and your friend came close to me after i told you to repay my car (this wasnt a mug, just money for the toolboxes) for crashing it on purpose. You came close again and seeing the fact that you punched me several times i fired at you. To be entirely honest, it wasnt my intention to instantly kill you and i apologize for that, it was my intention to scare you off with a few hits but the damage was higher then i first anticipated.

To sum it up, you nearly wreck my car, i talk to your friend to confront him with his actions, when he attacks me, you join there. I warn you both to back off, he does comply, you dont so you got shot.

Messages In This Thread
Player Report: Baskinger - by ilmon3y - 05-01-2015, 02:12 PM
RE: Player Report: Baskinger - by Baskingner - 05-01-2015, 04:28 PM
RE: Player Report: Baskinger - by Nevy - 05-01-2015, 05:38 PM

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