[Unofficial] Secret Intelligence Service
OOC Information

Steam name: CMR99
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:43394520
Hours on the FL servers: 87
Activity on FL (1-10): 8 to 9
Activity on Forums (1-10): 7 to 8

IC Information

First Name: Chloe
Middle Name: [NO DATA FOUND]
Surname: Capria
Age: 22
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY): 15/03/19XX
Previous occupations: Private Security, Numerous Freelance Intelligence services, 3 years experience in SRU Police Division of Evocity.
Qualifications: Trained marksman, Skilled with both handguns and larger firearms, positive track record, exceeded expectations in Standard Combat Training.
Experience with the job:
-Assisted in a raid against a Dictator as a Temporary Field Agent, removed at least 7 hostile personnel from the equation before raid ended. (think Zerik can quote me on that one lol)
-Assisted in a raid against seperate Dictator, armed only with pistol, took down two hostile personnel armed with Assault Rifles (Dont quote me on that one, may have been SMGs. idk xD)
What job are you applying for?  Field Agent

Signed: Chloe Capria
[Image: sig.png?dl=1]

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] Secret Intelligence Service - by CMR99 - 04-24-2015, 09:11 PM

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