Ban Request: JAPANESE
Name of player: JAPENESE

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99170234

Time in GMT

Server: rp_evocity_v33x

Summary: So basically I was arguing with these guys which I was trying to end the argument near the end of the logs if you check a few logs above this one, like a few minutes you will see we were segueing and they decide to just completely disrespect me in an immature manor which really upset me because they were both players with over 400 hours... I didn't see their reasoning disrespecting me. I am mainly reporting JAPANESE but Drunkputo disrespected me not as much but it is highlighted. I don't know if that's sufficient enough to really report him but JAPANESE really crossed the line.

Evidence: Logs 
 (OOC) JAPANESE: eh eh see what i did there

(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Fury: No.... not at all Japanese...

(<3) (OOC) DrunkPuto藝漢: Hey man its a Game chill out u sound like a school teacher with

3 year olds running around

(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] [F.I] THE ROCK: u didnt do anything , u clear , i only got now a

problem with your rebel leader

(OOC) JAPANESE: Fury ill give you a fury flurry wit me dick

Player [FL:RP] SirWulf (STEAM_0:1:5102768) has joined the game.

(<3) (OOC) DrunkPuto藝漢: AHAHHAHHHAHHAHA lol tf

(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Fury: .............

You received $400 salary.

(PM) To [FL] Temar: Player disrespect, as well as cursing in OOC....

(OOC) Gabraham: we were doing a coordinated rebel attack against police brutality and

the oppresing government [Note: Meta Gaming] - He had no reason to do this considering their was only 2 cops on and no president.

(PM) To [FL] Temar: I don't appreciate being disrespected...

(OOC) JAPANESE: with one finger up me arse howlle

(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] Fury: Metagaming....
(<3) (OOC) [FL:RP] [F.I] THE ROCK: thats not even a reason

[Image: ghTXnEx.png]

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: JAPANESE - by Fury - 04-21-2015, 01:53 AM
RE: Ban Request: JAPANESE - by Matrix_ - 04-21-2015, 02:06 AM
RE: Ban Request: JAPANESE - by Fury - 04-21-2015, 02:21 AM
RE: Ban Request: JAPANESE - by dig - 04-21-2015, 06:10 AM

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