BR on 2 players for alot of insults IC and then OOC
Just gonna' chime in here, obviously since my name was mentioned. I'm fuckass, just to make that clear.

You made a lot of rash decisions as President, and so when I was doing regular Police Officer RP we met up in the nexus after following you from the middle of the city with no one around you. Another officer called you "fucking retarded," which by the way was neither Tzim or I, and then following that I agreed with him to some extent. 

The 2nd screenshot is literally just me replying to what were completely empty threats. You're giving us passive aggressive winky faces telling us you always have fraps on. Did you genuinely get offended by the word idiot? Like for real? I'm not directly implying that you, in real life, are not capable of making your own decisions, are handicapped, etc. I told you that you made some stupid decisions and that's it.

That last one was also hilarious, you added that just because I said taxwhore? I was poking fun at you for making an analogy about the "socrates of portugal" walking around Paris. It made absolutely no sense, frankly me and my friend who joined during the whole scuffle found it funny. I don't see why this screenshot was even nessecary. If calling you a "taxwhore" or saying "portugal is irrelevant" then honestly you just need thicker skin. Now that's not an excuse for me insulting someone, but those aren't even insults. They're just poking fun in OOC, like I do literally all the time.

4th and 5th screenshots don't involve me, and so I won't touch on them.

No offense was intended with anything I said, since neither of us called you "fucking retarded." All I did was simply tell you I thought your decisions were rash, in a way I thought would be funny in OOC for everyone to hear. No offense intended.

Kind Regards,

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RE: BR on 2 players for alot of insults IC and then OOC - by Kayak - 04-19-2015, 05:37 AM

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