Unextend my ban/UBR if my ban exceeds 2 days.
Your name: |FTG| Sgt. Cate Shekelberg

Your ban ID: STEAM_0:1:65460229

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme.

Reason: Sharing pornographic link in advert. Was warned about this previously.

Involved: Nobody.

Why we should unban you: My ban was extended for 3 days, the obvious reason being that I was warned before. But that's not a legitimate reason, I was warned before and banned afterwards. You can't just skip around exrtending bans for such reasons, it makes no legitimate sense.

Messages In This Thread
Unextend my ban/UBR if my ban exceeds 2 days. - by Cate - 04-08-2015, 12:42 PM

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