ᵁᴮᴿ Kurdish Falcon
You know how I stand on this ban as we've discussed over Steam but I'll say the same in public.

What you did was stupid. You're a player with 866 hours on our community and you know what is right, and what is wrong, and what the consequences for doing wrong is.

You've managed to rack up 11 bans (12 counting on the other accounts), and you've been banned for breaking our Terns is twice now.
Someone with your amount of bans and hours know that double-accounting is rarely forgiven, even more so when we're talking about a player with an large ban-history. You didn't only DA once; breaking our TOS but twice

11 bans is one thing, but two TOS bans on top of that is hard to forgive.
When you decided to double-account, you knew that you'd be permed if you were caught doing so. You were ofcourse caught and you decided to break our TOS once again after this. This shows what lack of respect you have for our rules and Terms of Service. I feel you've done enough damage, as you knew it was wrong and that you'd be permed for doing it. A blatant rule-breakage from someone like you is hard to forgive and I'm afraid that I do not support an unban. You're rightfully permed and you shouldn't be unbanned nor have your ban-time reduced.

We have players with a quarter of the bans that you have, and that still remain banned just because they Double-accounted. If they remain banned then so should you.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

Messages In This Thread
RE: ᵁᴮᴿ Kurdish Falcon - by Enzyme - 04-04-2015, 09:16 PM
RE: ᵁᴮᴿ Kurdish Falcon - by Venom - 04-10-2015, 03:42 PM
RE: ᵁᴮᴿ Kurdish Falcon - by Venom - 04-18-2015, 11:59 PM

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