Report: Marx
Here's my side of the story.

There is no story, not here. Because you ripped out a page, you didn't include what Ryan said, first off, because it was obvious that was a response in which was to, eliminate a flame-war Ryan intended to start in Out-of-Character.

I'm not saying that you are all conspiring to get me banned by starting arguments, but here on a daily basis Ryan calls an administrator on me for Fail Roleplay or anything he can come up with. I've never gotten in trouble.

He's also closed 2 clans, and blamed me for it; as well as changed his name. For the simple fact that he:
1 - Lost an unofficially Clan-War. Academi.
2. - Scammed me out of $24,000 in which I reported on their forums, subsequently, many clan members left.

I didn't head-hunt anyone. He has a grudge that shouldn't be directed towards me. This is a disgusting, disgraceful post. You will do anything you can to get me banned and I know it, you've tried nothing this last week to do just that.

I mean I'm going to start recording and screenshotting everything Ryan does that's even remotely related to me. If my mom's brother's dog's owner's cousin's sister tells me that Ryan said I was bossy, I am going to file a restraining order, hire a team of lawyers; and contact Tyrone to take care of it for me. I mean this is seriously ridiculously and I'm just fed up with this bullshit.

I'll be the bigger guy and apologize if I hurt your feelings, and I sincerely do - I never thought that an OOC message in an online mod of a mod of a game would even come close to hurting your feelings.

However, I don't ever want you to talk to me again ever for any reason, anywhere, on Steam, in-game; or on the forums. I don't want you to send messengers to complain to me about how water is blue and only I can fix all your problems. Like Dan came on here and reported me for something that is not only invalid, but not fully shown; and not even about him. Just leave me alone and such issues will never aspire again.

Thank you, Goodbye.
~ Marx ~

Messages In This Thread
Report: Marx - by Coded Brain - 04-04-2015, 06:21 PM
RE: Report: Marx - by Marx - 04-04-2015, 07:58 PM
RE: Report: Marx - by Hitman - 04-04-2015, 08:53 PM
RE: Report: Marx - by ImTheRealSparks - 04-04-2015, 09:07 PM
RE: Report: Marx - by Preditor - 04-04-2015, 10:00 PM

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