Hello modames: Unban Request
Your name: Mesredi

Your ban ID: 59932

Banned by: [FL:M] Obay

Reason: Proppush "Don't tell the admins" all I was doing was a magic trick

Involved: all the poor cars and me

Why we should unban you: I propsurfed as these mafias were really interested in magic.

More about magic here:

Magic, as opposed to magic the art of illusion and sleight of hand, is the Art Of Causation. Magic is a natural human ability, we are all born with this innate ability to make Magick, all it takes is the desire to learn, and practice. Magic is creating change by connecting with the energies of nature.
These energies of nature exist in all things, all solid matter is made of atoms, sub-atom particles, below this level is pure energy. At the this level of pure energy, there is no solid matter, here everything is connected by threads of energy.
Magic is the control and manipulation of these threads of energy, this energy exists at all levels and planes, so by creating changes to these energy threads causes effects to occur within the physical plane. Magic allows you to alter this energy reality to bring about changes in the material reality, conversely altering your material worlds causes changes to the energy reality.
"Magic is the science of the control of the secret forces of nature." - S.L. MacGregor Mathers, Order of the Golden Dawn.
"Magic is a comprehensive knowledge of all nature." - Francis Barrett.
"Magick is the Art and Science of causing changes to occur in conformity with will." - Aleister Crowley
To perform effective magic, you will need to perfect your visualization skills and train your mind to think in a different way. Magic is based on the principle of "As Above, So Below", this may be taken to mean that which exists on the spiritual level also exists on the physical level. Magic is about responsibility, to ensure that your magic comes from a desire to create harmony. Magic is about learning to control forces within yourself.
There are three basic ingredients in Magic. Desire, Form and Manifestation, you must want something with a real desire/need in order to end up with it on this level. Need is expressed as an idea in your imagination, define your imaginings with clarity and precision, only then can your desire manifest on the physical level.

That is why I should be unbanned modames.


ps: I promise to not do it again.

Messages In This Thread
Hello modames: Unban Request - by Mesredi - 03-22-2015, 12:12 AM
RE: Hello modames: Unban Request - by Venom - 03-22-2015, 12:43 AM

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