Unban request on RedNinja.
Your name: (Steam friends name) RedNinja

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 2591

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Okay so... i was banned somewhere in august.... The reason was: Minging with crowbar, insulting and ignoring an admin and threatening lack of RP,
original one was "Suck my cock little cigarette". Okay, so, Some guy aimed at me with a shotgun... asked me to get out of of the way... I agreed to, and i ran away. I took out a crowbar, a few mins later. I waited for him at the gas station, knowing that he would come. He had a yellow minivan. However, he saw me and drove like a crazy bitch. I crowbar'd his car, i killed him, s.J saw it. He took me with a physgun up to a building. He told to me: " I saw you crowbar-minging the wall, blah blah blah ", I've told him i didnt do so. Now, here is the interesting part. He told to me, "I ain't fucking stupid you little shit", and shot my head with a deagle. I lost my crowbar, which tbh i didnt care about, and then... I came back to him, and yes, i've used bad words. I told him; "Look you fucking prick, why do you think you can just shoot me like that, You're a dick". He immediatly perm banned me. Reason was, that i can suck his penis, and i am a little homosexual. Look, i understand it was admin dis-respect. I know that i've used bad words. Now don't tell me its not the reason - because he didnt ban me for anything like that, he shot me, and it ended there. So please, soul, don't edit the reason to that - because he didnt even want to ban me after doing it. I used bad words for one reason.... He used bad words against me, thus, i understood that it is OK to do so. An admin did that, why shouldn't i? If he is swearing, i assumed there is no rule against doing so. I just did what the admin did. After all - he is my kind of ro-model in the server. I admit it, i lied before. Everyone do. I've been banned for a month now. I think its enough for lying..... I understand that its wrong... I just thought you'd think i am a dumb idiot....... It's been a month now, i've learnt my lesson. I'd really like to come back and play with my irl friends, and get a second chance. s.J, i am sorry for talking to you like that, I would NEVER do that anymore, even if you do so against me. baahh edit - I DID not crowbar the walls, and i swear i didnt!

Please consider doing so. - RedNinja.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request on RedNinja. - by AhmedMet - 09-11-2011, 12:43 PM
RE: Unban request on RedNinja. - by Killjoy - 09-11-2011, 01:15 PM
RE: Unban request on RedNinja. - by AhmedMet - 09-11-2011, 01:30 PM
RE: Unban request on RedNinja. - by Killjoy - 09-11-2011, 02:21 PM
RE: Unban request on RedNinja. - by Dryblood - 09-11-2011, 02:24 PM

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