Don't really see how I did anything wrong
Your name: |FTG| SB:RP Sgt. Kate Marx

Your ban ID: 59760

Banned by: [FL:M] Obay

Reason: Powergaming

Involved: Everyone on Corleones at about 21:00 GMT

Why we should unban you: I joined Corleones as I was bored and was about to help them, I did not realize that taking your car back intent on following their terms for it as well was "powergaming", I was also in the middle of discussing it with the mod who banned me when I was banned. I fail to see how it's powergaming as (I mention this again) I was intent on paying, and I even, mentioned this to the mod through local OOC. If I had been given extra time I would've paid and carried on playing as the Corleones.
 Another point brought up is taht I should've paid them as police, but with me being bored and the city being reasonably far away I reasoned "I could probably just go Corleones and do whatever they say to get it back and have some fun killing police officers".

Messages In This Thread
Don't really see how I did anything wrong - by Cate - 03-15-2015, 09:14 PM

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