Unban Request - please take me back
Your name: [FL:RP] Jahizzle

Your ban ID: 59291

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: NLR. 13th ban. Running right back to where he died to grab car in a war-zone.

Involved: -
Why we should unban you: Could I please have just one more chance? I was in a raid and died in the raid at the apartments. I left my car at the nexus before the raid. After i died i went to get my car from the nexus and apparently it was NLR rule and running back into a war zone to get my car. I dont believe this is true. My time in this fearless community has been amazing. I have met so many nice people and made some amazing friends. It really puts me down to know i can never play on this server again. Please give me just one more chance and i can promise you i will  not get banned again. I know i have been banned a few times but not for major reasons. I 100% know every rule now and i am determined not to break them. Even if you could shorten my ban I would be absolutely grateful. If i get banned again i will accept a perma ban. Thank-you

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - please take me back - by [FL:RP] Jahizzle - 03-15-2015, 02:39 PM

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