Re Unban
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Your name: IceFox
Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?)

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

This is why posted again:
This is the last unban request:
Like I said really carefully nightfury We got pulled over but they saw 2 of us with guns     So You need to understand thats a valid hostage reason, And im really sorry that 4 of them entered the situation, We dont control the number of hostages in that case, So please try to understand why thats valid and if you do not understand let other admins decide please.

Messages In This Thread
Re Unban - by IceFox - 03-10-2015, 04:39 PM
RE: Re Unban - by Enzyme - 03-10-2015, 04:56 PM

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