Kurrey's Un-permban Request
Your name: [PH] Kurrey

Your ban ID: 49227

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: Invalid reason to kill someone. 13th ban.

Involved: Can't remember the guy who I killed since it was loooong time ago.

Why we should unban you: It all started with a guy blocking a door and punching me when I was a security guard at BP (Gas station) I don't think its right that he can punch me and block the door without me killing him. I have gathered alot of experience in roleplay since the ban. I have been playing Serious PERP and Arma 3 wich is mainly serious RP. I'm asking for you to unban me because I know I had lack of knowledge of what was important or not. I really want to start playing on this server again and especially now when theres new stuff I can't wait to check out.

Messages In This Thread
Kurrey's Un-permban Request - by Kurrey - 03-10-2015, 12:17 PM
RE: Kurrey's Un-permban Request - by Enzyme - 03-10-2015, 04:52 PM

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