Jafro's Unban Request
Your name: Jafro

Your ban ID: 57469

Banned by: [FL] Rickets

Reason: 12th ban. You have obviously lost interest in the community. Insulting players via OOC.

Involved: N/a

Why we should unban you: 

First off I want to say its been a while since I have been banned, a good few months now. I want stress that I am not making this request because I feel like I have been wronged or my ban was falsely given but I want to give you a little motivation to maybe reconsider. During my time when I played on your server I had amassed almost one thousand hours and had two role play points which I worked hard for. took part in some of the big clans of Fearless like Blackwatch, FUMUKU and MSC. Despite my ban record most of the time I RP'ed to the best of my ability and met a ton of people whom I enjoyed RP with.

Regarding the incident in which General Rickets banned me I will tell the truth here, it was the day after new years and I had been drinking pretty heavily the night before and honestly I was still half drunk and I had a pretty severe headache foretelling a hangover which would last around a day and a half. I was just doing my usual thing and I decided to be a smartarse on OOC and start insulting some dude and Rickets decided it was time for me to go. I know rickets is a good guy and I understand why he made that decision as it was my 12th ban and I was losing touch with the server. It has been a while and it had gave me a while to think about what I to do about this situation and it feels like I left a little too soon. I would love the opportunity to put this in the past and hop on the server again.

One of the reasons that I lost interest in the community was that I had started to RP on a different server and admittedly I started to dislike fearless and it felt hectic and unorganise with no changes being made and RP becoming stale and repetitive. My new community hosts two seriousRP servers which I enjoyed and recently I became staff and help operate one of the servers which I come to realise is a rewarding but stressful job. All the things I took for granted from the Fearless staff I now realize how these things are actually tiring and take a lot of effort. I have been in the situation where I have been the only staff online looking after a server of thirty or so people and it can be a little overwhelming and thats why I want to apologize to all fearless staff past and present who have had to deal with me. I now realize that staff miss out on a significant amount of actual RP because they are dealing with people for good or bad reasons. This new position in my new community has opened my eyes and made me a lot more mature and pretty much has made me less of a 'little shit' who breaks rules for fun.

I never really thought I would make an unban request, I thought I was done with fearless and it was behind me but there is something that makes me want to come back and be a part of the community again. Every few days or so I check up on the forums and I get sad seeing all the new updates that I missed due to my own actions. I was wrong and Fearless is moving forward, there are now more staff administrating the servers, updates are flowing thanks to the developers and it seems like Fearless is starting to enter its golden age and that's something I want to be around for. Some of my greatest memories on Garrys Mod are on this server and it will be nostalgic to get back on and take part in the RP going around. I also want to apologize to those who I might have offended or ruined their RP experiences with my actions over the time I have spent on the server, even if it was as minor as shouting on the mic or driving like an idiot, I apologize.

If I have taken from my time here it has been how not to act on other servers, I believe my time on FL has helped shape me into a competent RP'er and gave me a foothold when I started SeriousRP. If I was allowed on I whole heartedly swear that I will not give anyone any bother, admin or player. I swear that I will not ruin that chance to fit in again and make myself look like a mingey idiot. I don't want to leave this community on such a low considering how much of a part of my life this was.

If you have read this all I want to thank you because this took me a lot of time and took a lot of courage to write up


Messages In This Thread
Jafro's Unban Request - by Jafro - 02-27-2015, 10:54 PM
RE: Jafro's Unban Request - by General Rickets - 02-28-2015, 10:32 AM
RE: Jafro's Unban Request - by General Rickets - 03-02-2015, 10:21 PM

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