Unban Request - Rangerboys
Your name: Rangerboys

Your ban ID: 56635

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason: constant fail RP as chef, Perm too many bans already given last chance

Involved: Gappy, Iacboy, Blurr

Why we should unban you: I do realize that I may not have the best reputation, holding 14 bans at the moment. I don't wish to complain or groan about the bans that I currently have, I accept them and wish to move forward. I've been rather disruptive throughout my time on Fearless, but I honestly think I can move forward. Throughout these two months I've reflected and truly understood how my behaviour has negatively affected the community. I have a lot of friends here and would truly appreciate a second chance. Although I've accumulated several bans, this is my first perma, and I can guarantee it will be the last. I feel like I've progressed as a player, and I've been involved in several other Gmod RP severs in these two months. During these experiences, I've gained knowledge of roleplay, and understood my mistakes. 


To put it simply, I understand what I did wrong, and I want to move forward. Gaining this new roleplay knowledge, and reflecting on my history has granted a new perspective. It's allowed me to see how great this server truly is, and despite my past, I wish to ask for a second chance. Please consider this an apology, and a turning of the page. Although there is no assured chance of being unbanned, I ask you seriously consider it.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - Rangerboys - by rangerboys - 02-18-2015, 12:56 AM
RE: Unban Request - Rangerboys - by Enzyme - 02-18-2015, 02:39 AM
RE: Unban Request - Rangerboys - by beflok - 02-18-2015, 06:11 AM

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