Apansenka (Paragon Nova) un-ban request
So... This happened a long time ago, in 2012 far-far away. I had a different nickname.
Warning: Bad grammar ahead, since English is not my primary language.

Your ban ID: 16762

Your name: Paragon Nova (Now my Steam name is Teh Briefcase)

Reason: RDM

Banned by: Jamie

Involved: I don't remember. Really. Adminge and my bloody sister. I guess.

Why we should unban you: Because, ehm, ech, burgh, this is not really my fault. Yess, you might think that this is a bloody lie, but It is a piece of natural truth. So, here's the story: I've been playing on the server for a long time, played as gun dealer, had my USP for self-defense since mafia already managed to kill me twice, even when I was at my apartments. So, I went to the toilet IRL, while my char was at the Downtown area. When I came back - I suddenly found my ugly young sister playing the game. She  unholstered my USP and suddenly started shooting at random shitizens. A-a-and my account got banned. You may say that 'omg y shood wee beleev u u 10 y.o. prick', and I won't say anything. If you think that I am a suspicious asshole - you may be right. I dunno, ask folks from *cough* Lemon *cough* Punch *cough* , they'll say that I'm a good (not really) guy.
The only thing I can sow you to confirm my adequacy is my Gmod / Sfm / Photoshop artwork that can be found at the *Data removed* forums (I won't put the link here  because I'm afraid of admins banning me for advertisments. if you wanna see it - PM me) (I don't really know what this has to do with good RP) and photo of my sister to confirm her existence:

Messages In This Thread
Apansenka (Paragon Nova) un-ban request - by Apansenka - 02-16-2015, 12:20 PM

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