It's Default
Your name: (It's Default)

Your ban ID: (58804)

Banned by: ([FL] Raptor)

Reason: (FearRP (General Rule 13))

Involved: (Police members. However I did not catch any usernames and the admin in question.)

Why we should unban you: (I came on the server today and proceeded about my business, only being recently back to [FL:RP], selected my job as a rebel. Decided it was within my rights to do something rebellious. I proceeded to vandalize a police car by jumping up and down on it and punching it. The usual things that people tend to do when bored. This led to a 40 minute police chase. I contacted an admin 10 minutes into this chase and asked how long arrest warrants lasted. He said 15 minutes. 30 minutes in I began to complain. 40 minutes in I decided to try and head back into town, My car had been repossessed, So I decided to sneak into the nexus garage via the elevator. I found my car which I repaired with a toolbox and a massive door that someone had built. Now this wouldn't be a problem however the door did not on any planet stay open for more than 0.8 seconds. As soon as it opened it would then begin to slowly slide shut again. The doors closed on my engine. BOOM dead. I was then unwanted a proceeded after NLR had run it's course to go down and attempt this again. However the door wouldn't stay open for long enough to get my car through. In the impound lot. I couldn't get my car out with the door open because it closed to fast. After multiple attempts my plan had been foiled by an officer. Who questioned what I was doing I replied that this was my car. The car for whatever reason was still wanted despite my death and me no longer being wanted (after 40 minutes of Need For Speed style gameplay) The officer then said that the car was wanted and I was its owner. I replied that I wasn't wanted so there was obviously a mistake. He then asked if I had paid the fine. I attempted to bluff my way out. It failed. I was then not given a chance to pay the fine and was told I was going to be slapped with a warrant. Fearing the dread of another Lawrence of Arabia length chase I fled the building. I unfortunately fled into a mechanic shop full of police officers. I then sprinted out of that building was instantly tazered and left to lie on the floor while the acquired their arrest warrant I was told if I attempted to run they would get the admin. I welcomed this thought as I would be able to explain the borderline prop block door. The glitched warrants or even possibly them abusing the warrants and having me periodically re-warranted despite losing me for copious amounts of time. So I stood up sprinted about five footsteps. Was instantly banned. Without warning. Without conversation. Without anything. I'm not blaming anyone in this situation. But more could have been done here. As you can see I had quite the tale to tell but it was not to be. My side of the story could have been heard all of these issues could have been rectified. But no I got instantly banned. I didn't even see the admin. All of this happened between the times of 14:25PM and 15:25PM all necessary conversation in OOC about me asking about the warrant timer and other things can be found in the servers log. My console did not retain storage of these things after the ban so I was unable to screen cap them.   )

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It's Default - by gabe2k12 - 02-13-2015, 03:51 PM
RE: It's Default - by Nyander - 02-13-2015, 09:06 PM

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