funniest/weirdest reason you have gotten into trouble
This one time my friend, we shall call him Jake, put a bag of weed in my other friend's school blazer pocket (We'll call him Edward) without telling him. Then Edward goes into school, realizes he has weed on him, panics, tries eating it at the back of a DT classroom until a dude called James notices him, and offers to take it off his hands. James gives the weed to Bill and bill eventually gets caught with it later on in an english classroom, he gets taken out by our school cop and tells him that he got it from James. The cop goes into James' classroom, slams him against the table infront of everyone and arrests him under suspicion of dealing. James says he got it from Edward and at the end of the day Edward gets bollocked for it and gets community service and all this shit. Anyway the next day, I get brought out by the cop and sat in a room and then it clicked in my head.... Fuck, Edward told him it was my weed originally. Ended up having to sit down with my parents and tell them I had smoked weed once and hated it and completely bullshitted my way out of it. Got grounded for the entire summer holidays, no cash, no PC, but atleast I could go out...
It was fucking awkward.

Messages In This Thread
RE: funniest/weirdest reason you have gotten into trouble - by livkx - 02-04-2015, 10:02 PM
RE: funniest/weirdest reason you have gotten into trouble - by Deleted User - 09-27-2016, 10:40 AM
RE: funniest/weirdest reason you have gotten into trouble - by Deleted User - 09-27-2016, 10:42 AM

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