Is this a mistake?
This message is sent from my phone to inform you I will be at collage so won't be able post a propper reply until I get home.

Ah ok then this clears things up a little. I can't argue that I had a macro running that was keeping me from the boot script on the server. Therefore I will not deny that the ban was invalid from the issuers point of view. I understand why the ban was set and accept responsibility for doing wrong against the server rules. 
However what I will now argue is my point of view on the whole situation and give the reasons why. And since the ban is now in place I feel I must reflect on my record on the server to prove I had no grievous or negative intent in my actions. I know you have heard all of the 'im sorrry plez unban me storys' before so I want to make myself stand out from the people who deserve their bans.
  • First of all I would like to compare what I did to other permanent ban reasons that currently stand such as Hacking; DDoS; 11th ban; double accounting and even 'exploiting with deliberate intent to get a huge advantage over other players ' such as duping items and vehicles. I understand how from an admins point of view what I did mostly falls under that last category. I am also not justifying what I did since from the people who make the rules point of view I broke the rules and I can see that. However the difference between what I did and what other people like DDoSers is that I wasn't aware that I was breaking such a major rule. If I did I wouldn't have done it since i'm not stupid to leave a walking permanent ban on a server with 2 members of staff on at the same time because I would have seen it as a stupid risk. I admit I knew it was shady but I didn't know it was that bad to land me a permanent ban. I assumes this from the fact I was caught once before doing the same thing on V2D in the apartments in slums about half a year ago. I believe who found me was Enzyme (but this may be wrong) and I knew this because at that time I used to leave fraps on. So what would have happened is I went afk for some reason, I left the macro and fraps(in case somebody killed me whilst I was afk and this would have been rdm) running whilst I was gone. I get back to see I wasn't on so i look in the console to see I was kicked. I can't remember if there was a reason or if the reason was simply 'afk' which didn't matter since I knew why and saw it on the footage (this no longer exists since it was deleted as at the time I didn't consider it important. ). After I was kicked the first thought process was that I wasn't angry about it I mean fearless is a busy server and the admins was to make sure there are spaces for people to join so kicking the afk was kind of a no brainier. However this didn't tell me anything about the severity of the rule I broke when he found me. I don't know if this was overlooked at the time but it never went down officially as something that bad since it was a kick. Admins rarely kick so assumes I wasn't doing too much wrong to warrant anything more severe than a kick. The second time being this time I had to go eat, I found a place out of the way to go afk (and to hide from method) so I said I was going to eat in occ. Set my job title to '(OC)Brb food - 'Guard'' or something like that and set the name of the door I was in to 'OC The afk room'. I then went to eat and came back faced with the ban. My point being this is the first time the major severity of what I did was pointed out and I was completely unaware until now. I feel this is down too the misleading kick the first time I was caught.
  • Unlike most other perm bans I have seen I wasn't aware of the true consequence of what I did for the ban. From what I saw if I was caught I would be kicked and maybe blacklisted from whatever job I was at the time. Like I said earlier I wouldn't bend the rules too far over the line. However I did but wasn't aware of it. This is why I requested clarification since I didn't think the reason was this because of the first punishment I received. 
  • I didn't do it to 'gain an advantage ' over other players. I don't see how a little extra time counts as an advantage. But that's just me. The only reason I did it was so I could come back to a place on the server to do some RP with friends. I didn't want to get kicked whilst I was eating because I would have lost that place and had to wait an unknown amount of time to get back on. And by that point possibly not having any time to do anything anyway. I learn my lessons from all bans that I see fair and I respect an admins choice to take certain things away in a black list or a firm warning which I feel I never received prior to this ban. I am not blaming Laurenz for this since he couldn't warm somebody who wasn't there and was clearly breaking a rule. Thats why I ask for forgiveness now and ask you remove/reduce the ban on the reason I had no intention of causing trouble which would ruin other peoples experiences or getting myself banned. I feel like an innocent person who has committed a crime I wasn't aware I was committing. On a scale of what I thought I was doing, I thought I was doing for example a minor speeding offence compared to full on genocide which is where it was on the scale. To prove I am not a ban member of the cominity you would have to ask people I hang around and they (i dont thing) wont say I am a minge or a person to be disliked. Yesterday when writing the ban request I received multiple messages on steam to ask how and what in the hell did I do to get a ban. People obviously as surprised as I was to see the ban. However accepting this may not be enough to prove my social status on the server since people I know could potentially be bias I would like to use the other time I was nearly permanently banned for an exploit like incident. This was a few weeks ago when I first met just roleplaying as a police officer (not at the time of the incident but it was a common role for him at that point). The corliones had the villas area blockaded with cars and had just finished up winning a fight with the police force. To get close and not get shot I decided to improvise a 'surrender flag' out of a dupe I had brought of somebody which was 3 coloured tires with different trails on them. I deleted two and coloured the third as white and carried it above my head to the blockade. We managed to get past because we was friends with the leader and resumed our course to the lake to fish. After a moment of walking I deleted the prop and went walking with rage. I was then teleported away to above a villa house by who I am pretty certain was raptor. At first I didn't know what was going on so asked raptor why I was there (maybe not directly but I think I said 'yes?' ) and he started explaining how he could issue me with a permanent ban for the prop I was just using. I explained to him that I was a dupe I thought was cool and bought off somebody for 10k for me to use. He then said that props with trails were not allowed and asked me to delete it. I deleted it (not being happy of course because it was cool but expensive but raptor was just doing his job so I didnt complain) without question and was teleported back to where I was. I was warned about what I did, cooperated appropriately and never did anything like that again.
    I learn from my mistakes like I did from raptor and then don't do them again because I understand why they can't be. I promise I will learn from this one and I give you my word it will NEVER happen again. I didn't make this macro specifically for fearless and after this will NEVER use it again. In the case I do (Which will NOT happen since I am giving you my word now) you can take what I said here. I promise to not make the same error again and beg for a second chance. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope we can come to a fair solution given the circumstances. (PS- Story's I said may not be 100% accurate. My apology's to raptor if I got something wrong in the story with him. I may have missed some details I can't remember. )
Edit: If you have any questions to ask me that will help you to come to a conclusion I beg you ask so I don't get misunderstood.

Messages In This Thread
Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-27-2015, 10:07 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Flame - 01-27-2015, 10:31 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-27-2015, 10:36 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-28-2015, 01:03 AM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 07:46 AM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 05:32 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Flame - 01-28-2015, 08:50 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 09:24 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Faustie - 01-29-2015, 05:41 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by User 12049 - 01-29-2015, 07:16 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-29-2015, 07:03 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-29-2015, 07:22 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-29-2015, 07:51 PM

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