Is this a mistake?
Your name: Frost [GG] Ass Irelia  (Also knows as 'ukpezzzz' if you knew me a while ago)

Your ban ID: 58545
Banned by: [FL]Laurenz

Reason: 'Exploiting'

Involved: Nobody since I was afk at the time of the ban.

Why we should unban you: 

First of all before I answer that question I would like somebody to clarify what exactly I have done wrong. The last time I got pulled up for exploiting was by a moderator about a month ago for having a dupe which had trails on it. They pulled me aside and told me I shouldn't have it and I explained I brought the dupe not knowing I couldn't have something with trails. So I deleted the dupe on request and that was that. However I doubt that was the reason I was banned today. So I would like to request some clarification on what exactly I exploited. Also at the time of my ban I was afk. I have 3 witnesses that can confirm that so I couldn't have done anything then.

I have recently started playing fearless again to take part in the clan RP 'The Union'acting as the soon-to-be wife of one of the founders. (Judge Rage) - He can confirm this.

This started '3' days ago (It may not have been exactly 3 days since some days I miss. However I know I have been playing on 3 days in the past week.):

Day 1:

Met up with judge rage as he introduced me and my character to his knew clan called the Union. I spent most of my time in that sitting role playing with him. This includes events such as when he became the president and we started a relationship rp with that before the server went down. We then went to stay at the lake where method took part in some 'annoying neighbor' rp.

Day 2: 

Spent this time role playing with method and judge at his base before method left. I then recall leaving and getting back to head to a new base for the Union. Also having prior conversation with a group of people about certain songs being played that reminded us of fallout 3. I also commented in OCC 'I forgot how volotile people on fl are'.

Day 3(Today):

I first joined the server briefly on my own to see if there was anything to do. Nothing really happening I joined rebels and nothing was happening there either. So I left to play some Planetside 2 and league of legands. I then later came back on judges request as scene here: [Image: axiG61O.png]


Whilst waiting for judge I had to go afk for food. So I found a spot out of the way and went to eat. I then came back an hour later slapped with a permanent ban as shown in the bans section.

Whilst writing this I feel that the rule I have broken was not going to unemployed after 5 minuets of being idle. If this is considered exploiting then I am truly sorry and request the ban be lifted for I feel I do not deserve to be banned permanently for such a simple mistake. However after so many hours on this server I wouldn't believe the rules to be so flawed in that regard otherwise I would have scene more bans of that nature.  

Now that I have cleared this up I feel ready to answer the question of why I should be unbanned:

#I have been a long time user of the fearless community and its servers dropping in and out for some garrys mod RP. 

#I have been a regular (ok not as regular as some) donator contributing towards the server.

#I have a record of inconsistent bans that stretch from the 4070th ban to 58173 (Yes I know some people don't get banned. I'm not perfect ok.).

 As stated above - I'm not perfect. However I will gladly look back at all of those bans and confidently tell you that they are A: Unfair, B: Justified - For example the melon incident was,  YES against the rules and the ban was fair, however the 'victim' was a friend of mine who was perfectly happy with it. I am not condoning that its ok to break the rules as long as its with  friends, the ban was fair and I accepted the punishment for it. However I would not break the rules to ruin another player I do not knows experience such as breaking nlr to return to a  raid.    

#I am not a rule breaker. I follow the rules and admittedly bend them where I see it fit to suit the situation keeping what I do in acceptable limits.

#I'm not a negative person, I always try to have fun with people and like to be good to be around. Even though I don't stand out too much when I log on (I don't like to be in the spotlight)  I do feel I have made friends with some good people on the sever who would be surprised to see me permanently banned from the server. I feel like I can have a respectable debate with other  people of any rank and argue my point to a suitable outcome and I will stand up for myself if I feel injustice has been issued to me (An example of me having what I believe to be having a  calm and mature argument with a member of staff about a ban issues, After all thats what this forum zone is for : 

#Admittedly I have not been as active on the forums as I used to be. However I see it as being on the server that counts and haven't had time nowadays for forums.

Overall I feel it would be a shame for me to be issued a permanent ban after all the time I have put into the server. There will be many people who will stand up for me in removing the ban as I feel I have made a good impression. I am not a bad user and I have never broken the rules in the way the average rule breaker would. As I said before I will happily explain each and every one of them to as far as my memory allows. I always hate to 'blow my own trumpet'but at this time I am forced too. I feel like I am a good member of the community and don't deserve a permanent ban. I never see myself doing anything that would warrant a permanent ban and I feel it was unfair to now receive one whilst I was afk.   

I really hope this was just one big mix up of names or some sort of mistake because I would hate to lose out on fearless for whatever it is I did. I hope this gets resolved and was a mistake and if it wasn't, then I would like to hear the reason and explain why I did what I did. I will have a reason since I have a reason for doing everything. Especially if i'm doing something that could get me a slap on the wrist by a member of staff.

PS- Im sorry about the font. It got messed up after I tried fixing what the template did to it.
I also hate to be pushy. Especially now but I expect to be able to defend myself from the accusations after the first post. I don't expect to be given a reason and then completely shut out.

Messages In This Thread
Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-27-2015, 10:07 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Flame - 01-27-2015, 10:31 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-27-2015, 10:36 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-28-2015, 01:03 AM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 07:46 AM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 05:32 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Flame - 01-28-2015, 08:50 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-28-2015, 09:24 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by Faustie - 01-29-2015, 05:41 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by User 12049 - 01-29-2015, 07:16 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-29-2015, 07:03 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by ukpezzzz - 01-29-2015, 07:22 PM
RE: Is this a mistake? - by dig - 01-29-2015, 07:51 PM

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