I'd like to add Diggy, I believe I can vouch my case here too as I was banned for the same reason, and I can cut out the work and put 2 UBR's in to one, as you believe we both violated the same rule. I don't believe that I fail RP'd what so ever, I was roleplaying that I was angry about losing my job, our RP was that we'd been transferred from another city as FBI to work for EvoCity, we got there and spoke to the president to find that we wouldn't be getting our jobs. I never said at any point that I would kill the president, I said that I'll be back, and I did come back, not as a raider but as a protestor, I had nothing to do with what Lolipop did, he had an invalid reason to raid as the presidents laws were fairly fair, and the rule I usually go by is that if it's a personal problem with the president IC you should protest, so I did so. And as for fear RP, I had no clue that he had the tazer, look at this print screen which I extracted from the video :

Now in that image I can't even see a tazer, I don't understand how I'm under Fear RP, I was cuffed and he had no gun or tazer pointed at me or even out and the exact rule you're trying to ban me for is Fear RP? I think that's completely ridiculous, Fear RP is role-playing to be afraid of a gun, or your life, I was in no danger of being tazed as the tazer wasn't out and I was talking to the president thus rendering Fear RP invalid.

This is an image from when I was walking away from the president who decided to make a provocative statement as I was leaving the building, as you can just make out Gray Face saying in part 1 he says "Don't come back". I then replied by turning around so he was in ear shot and saying "Don't worry, we'll be back." At which point again, I could see no tazer pointed on me, this screenshot shows this :

I was given a 26 day ban for this which I quite simply thing is bloody absurd as I'm a player who consistently engages in role play in order to try emulate a nice environment within Fearless in which people feel welcomed, it's quite evident that I'm a player that's here to role-play and not to break rules, yet you insist on accepting this ban request when the tazers weren't visible (rendering me not under fear rp). And for fail RP when we were just trying to defend our jobs which lead to a peaceful protest within the Nexus, which I find quite funny that Makaveli didn't record that? My point is, I'm not just some minge, I'm on the server to role-play, not break rules so even if I did commit Fail RP (I believe Fear RP is out the question as I'm so sure I didn't break it) it was evidently an honest mistake, however I don't feel that I broke it.

Messages In This Thread
Samzo - by Falc - 01-25-2015, 07:26 PM
RE: Samzo - by Falc - 01-26-2015, 03:31 PM
RE: Samzo - by dig - 01-26-2015, 03:56 PM
RE: Samzo - by Dex - 01-26-2015, 04:32 PM
RE: Samzo - by Falc - 01-26-2015, 04:03 PM
RE: Samzo - by dig - 01-26-2015, 04:15 PM
RE: Samzo - by dig - 01-26-2015, 04:54 PM

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