Report: The Crow, Bunny, Fury and Dwang.
1. You weren't being arrested by me for not leaving the building I was simply stating to your friends that I "would arrest them" if they did not let me in because they were spamming the door shut on purpose.
2. You weren't warranted by me.
3. I didn't cuff/taze you.
4. I didn't even speak to you until the start of your video clip.
5. I am merely standing still in front of the counter to which your shady friend bought the door whilst all this hassle was going on. "Marty".

It is not my problem the way the officers reacted. The situation was not because of me but because of the way you and the officers reacted to a placid situation that could have merely been resolved with a chat as I had intended before I had to come speak to you out of character about your over-reaction to my place in this argument.

The Crow

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RE: Report: The Crow, Bunny, Fury and Dwang. - by TheCrow - 01-24-2015, 03:10 AM

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