Report: [FL:RP] Angelheartz and [TVB] Assasinhero28
Name of player: [FL:RP] Angelheartz and [TVB] Assasinhero28

SteamID: [FL:RP] Angelheartz: STEAM_0:1:40890427

                   [TVB] Assasinhero28:STEAM_0:0:45771751

Time in GMT: 9 p.m

Server: v2p

Summary: I was giving the Rebel leader a lift. On our way to the villas I saw an SRU talking to 2 Corleones. When we arrived at the villas we were pulled over by the SRU Sergeant (Assasinhero28). First of all i wondered what he was doing there but I did pull over and get out of the car. We weren't armed at all. Then the SRU Sergeant started to search us for weapons which he of course didn't find. After that we decided this was totally random so we stepped in the car and tried to leave. The SRU pulled out his M4 and started firing at the car which of course broke down. The Rebel Leader started to run for his life. The SRU chased him but not only the SRU. One of the Corleones (Angelheartz) pulled out a gun and helped the SRU sergeant chasing and eventually killing the Rebel Leader (Note: The rebel leader was unarmed). After they killed the Rebel Leader they walked upon me both having their guns out. The SRU sergeant did see the Corleone holding out a gun but didn't take any further action. As i was trying to take screenshots is misclicked and got arrested for attacking a citizen (The citizen was the Corleone which was standing in front of me with a gun. The Corleone helped the SRU sergeant which is against the rules. Also the SRU sergeant and the Corleone killed an unarmed man instead of arresting him. And last of all the SRU sergeant random arrested me since I didn't hit anyone with the misclick.

Both of them holding out guns and you see the dead rebel leader on the ground:

The Corleone:

Messages In This Thread
Report: [FL:RP] Angelheartz and [TVB] Assasinhero28 - by StrikeOne - 01-21-2015, 10:16 AM

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