Proof that GreeD^ is indeed the Devil himself.
Greed you sh*t!

You and Dr. Internet can leave middle earth and go to hell that you two and Justing beiber calls home!

( ^ hahaha... jokes4sh*ts and giggles. Don't shoot me. )


Jokes aside. Why do anything? GreeD just threw some music out there that people could have a giggle to and that was that. I don't get why everything has to go down in punishment everytime somebody are breaking the smallest rules. This might be mic spam but is it really worth throwing a player under the ban hammer for? Now you might ask "b-but Bowie. You do realize there are other kind of punishments that server suspension r-right?" Yes, yes i do. For some reason some of the staff members tends to ban people for very intresting reasons. Not gonna be disrespectful because i love the work that every single one of you form everyday. Sometimes it just gets out of hands.

Oh well, that was my extremely offensive and disrespectful opinion.

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RE: Proof that GreeD^ is indeed the Devil himself. - by Bowiii - 01-20-2015, 07:16 PM

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