Unban Request for Doors and Dan_M99
(01-11-2015, 04:32 PM)Dan_M99 Wrote: Your name: Dan_M99 and Doors

Your ban ID: 57900 for Dan_M99 and 57899 for Doors

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: Doors: Running over dead bodies till death

Dan_M99 : Rule 5, Insulting admins

Involved: Doors

Why we should unban you: Firstly we were playing and Doors walked over to a body that was on the floor( he only walked over him once), the player was sleeping, and he thought the player was already dead he never looked at his name and details to see if he was and he walked over him. Then General Rickets pulled him away and banned him for 5 days for supposedly killing the man. Doors never killed the man he just injured him more so check the console before banning someone. We both agree he should be banned but not for 5 days its ridiculous. Next I would like you say that  Serwan[TR] was banned for 24 hours for the exact same reason. It is a little unfair if you ask me.

Secondly I got banned for insulting staff, I agree that I should be banned as well but not for 5 stupid days because I said the two admins kiss each other asses. I was in the wrong but i don't think I was that wrong. | ☺™?DPSpeedykidd☺™ with the ban ID 57856 for the same reason and he only got 3 days. This is outrageous how the admins feel the need to give people a longer ban if they do not like the person, in my opinion Rickets was just discriminating me because I personally offended him. I am saying he thinks he is above the law and if I said that to another player the ban would be shorter.

All I am fighting for is a shorter ban because I feel it is unfair of the length of the ban, We clearly know we are in the wrong and we aren't asking for the ban to be gone, just shortened. I did not pay $40 to donate and buy money on this server to be discriminated

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request for Doors and Dan_M99 - by Crenox - 01-11-2015, 04:32 PM
RE: Unban Request for Doors and Dan_M99 - by Crenox - 01-11-2015, 04:35 PM

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