Unban Request
Your name: PorkieTheCow

Your ban ID: 57892

Banned by: [FL:M] Raptor

Reason: FearRP. General rule 13.

Involved: Police officer (dont know his name)

Why we should unban you: I think you should unban me because it was a stupid reason to ban me in the first place.
First of all the officer involved failed to communicate with me in any way so I did not know he was trying to pull me over and I also thought he was new as he just started ramming me. then when I pulled over to the side of the road after numerous rams by the officer he told me to 'GET OUT' and I refused as some people would do in real-life so he then decided to pull out a weapon on me which I thought was still the speed O' meter he was using. After this he called the admin called Raptor and he watching us RP for a bit and then removed my car, The officer instantly tazed even though the admin wanted to speak so he told the officer to wake me up. The admin then explained why he did this and I simply stated that I thought this was Semi-Serious, The admin then replied 'It is' so I again simply stated that even in Semi-Serious RP would you pull a gun on a guy who just ran a red light and got rammed by the officer and still pulled over even though I didn't have to, as my job was Criminal.

So I think this ban was unnecessary and the admin could of informed me a bit more about it rather than getting fed up so early on into the debate and banning me.

Thanks if you do decide to unban me Smile

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request - by PorkieTheCow - 01-11-2015, 03:35 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Nyander - 01-11-2015, 04:19 PM
RE: Unban Request - by Pinky - 01-15-2015, 02:04 AM

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