Getting Invalid/Redundant Bans Removed
The main issue with all of these bans are that they are very old and that many of the banning admins are no longer with us on FL.
Trying to appeal several year old bans will not tip in your favor just because you've waited to appeal these bans, it's rather the opposite.

There needs to be valid evidence to prove your innocence to have a ban removed. You writing sentences years after receiving a ban doesn't prove your innocence. Therefore, previous UBRs will play a major role in the decision-making.


Ban ID 5772:
UBR for this ban:
You were banned for "swearing in OOC".

The banning administrator (Toby) explains in this UBR how he found your word-usage unacceptable and how you broke the rules. This ban is 4 years old and there's little point to argue with a ban that's this old. The banning administrator saw that you broke the rules and I don't see how this ban is valid. You simply broke the rule here.

Also, second UBR for a one day ban which is against the rules. This ban has been decided on already.

BanID: 12676  
Previous UBR:
Previous UBR (second UBR):
Previous UBR (third UBR):
3 year old ban.

It was denied in your previous UBR and I hardly see how what you did was acceptable at that time.
Many of the details here are lost with the age and absence of administrators long gone.
Also, this ban has been reviewed three times already. That ban will remain on your record.

As for the "Multiple account" ban, there's no way it's being removed. You have yourself under several circumstances not only informed about having several accounts you use to play on our servers, but you've also bragged about this. There's no secret that you've double-accounted on our servers, both ignoring our in-game rules and Terms of Service. Showing both disrespect towards the rules, TOS and the staff-team.


BanID 10978
Previous UBR:

Previous UBR was denied by the banning administrator. I don't see you presenting any evidence proving how the ban is invalid. 


BanID 5725:

Investigation pending.


Reading your UBR (as that's what it essentially is) I see that you're appealing old bans where words are your only evidence, why are you trying to have so many of these old bans removed and why should we believe your statements?

We're talking bans which are several years old and where evidence has disappeared with age. We cannot know 100% if you're telling the truth or lies, so why should we take the word from someone who was previously permabanned on the forum, and someone with the reputation that you have?

I'm afraid that I don't see why we're going to remove several of these old bans.

You're argumenting with how you're innocent and that the ban was a mistake, and there's nothing nor no-one to prove you wrong because the ban is simply so old. That doesn't mean that the UBR will go in your favor. I fail to see any real evidence to prove your innocence here. I'm hardly seeing any real evidence at all. With the title of your thread, you're claiming that these bans are either invalid or redundant but I really fail to see how this is (Ie banID 12676 where it was decided on 3 times).

With this thread, you make me wonder:

Are you ultimately attempting to appeal the bans so you can play on our servers again?

Quote:Please do understand that I am not trying to be unbanned, but rather have the many questionable if not wrong bans I have cleared off my record. I have provided a great deal of evidence for several of these bans, and if any bans need any more information, please feel free to ask for it.

Many of these bans have already been discussed in the courthouse and which have been denied. I fail to recognize the great deal of evidence that you claim you've given us. If you got any solid evidence to prove your innocence with these bans then please present them now.

Note: There's a difference between argumenting about the situation about a ban that's 3-4 years old and actual solid evidence. Don't mix "argumentation" and "evidence" up as these are two completely different things.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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RE: Getting Invalid/Redundant Bans Removed - by Enzyme - 01-10-2015, 04:55 AM

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