Un-forum-ban request on behalf of CapybaraZech
---This un-forum-ban-request was written by CapybaraZech, and I am just posting it for him since he is currently forum banned. I have not modified the "Why we should unban you" text and I am not involved.---

Your name: [FL:RP] CapybaraZech

Your ban ID: 57578

Banned by: [FL] Sir CrowReason: BRA (55695) - Metagaming (Extended due to current ban)

Involved: CapybaraZech, Moxew, Sgt. Suarez, Sir Crow

Why we should unban you: I was wrongly forum banned, and I did not break the rules.I want to clear up that I DID NOT lie in the courthouse.I did not metagame, me and Moxew discussed, with in game voice chat, that we were going to use a timer, between us only. It wasn't an announced timer that the president must comply by, it was a timer where that if he did not PM me, after a certain ammount of time or he stopped PMing me I would assume he had been handcuffed. If he then, after telling the president to make his men release him, still did not respond, I would assume he had been arrested. He still didn't respond to my PMs and neither did the pres at one point, so I took action to kill the hostage and flee the area.I did not lie in the ban request posted on me by Suarez. Suarez's evidence of me metagaming was non-existent, I don't see how the evidence proves that I am metagaming, whatsoever. I don't know who he PMed to ask if we had discussed a timer but whoever it was I have no idea who they are why they said we hadn't discussed it, because we had.I didn't lie in the courthouse and the evidence to say I did is ridiculous, because it is literally word against word, I do not see what we/I did wrong! I didn't metagame in the first place, and I didn't lie in the courthouse, and I shouldn't recieve a month forum ban for doing nothing wrong, or nothing wrong to my knowledge.Thankyou for your time for reading this.

Messages In This Thread
Un-forum-ban request on behalf of CapybaraZech - by Mark-the-Mushroom - 01-09-2015, 06:42 PM

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