Hello there, people.

Let me completely put this to rest on my side so staff can give a reasonable verdict and don't have to rely on one-sided images.

I was doing my first ever roleplay (woot, woot) of a woman undergoing mental trauma issues whilst this dude was constantly pointing a gun at me and asking cops to arrest me for shouting things in chat, calling me a threat and such. I'll go through each screenshot and explain why this ban request is completely invalid.

Screenshot 1: All I can see is me saying "Chaaa-squeak". I'm not sure how that's referring to anybody or can be offensive. There's not really much in this screenshot at all regarding me.

Screenshot 2: Some of my roleplay in character is apparently offensive to people; okay. I wasn't roleplaying the KKK or ISIS, so I don't see how my roleplay can be offensive. Roleplaying as a demented women with mental issues, shouting random things whilst drunk; asking whether or not somebody is a lawyer and roleplaying hallucinations. The OP clearly doesn't know that insulting someone whilst in character isn't actually directed at them.

Screenshot 3: I was complaining at how they were crying over microphone for the past 30 minutes due to presidents not putting them in the laws. In the meantime, OP and affiliate held a player in 'custody' for the whole period with no approval from the president visible in laws and after multiple president changes. Basically, they had no clearance to walk around holding fully automatic rifles from the president. Apparently their RP was approved by an admin, but it has to go through the president first if I'm not mistaken.

Screenshot 4: Regarding him constantly pointing a gun at me and crying to get me arrested for asking for a lawyer. Apparently an unarmed woman in a highly secured area shouting things is a serious threat.

Screenshot 5: OP continues to cry over microphone after president decides that they must dissolve their organization as he never approved for it to happen.

I only see one offensive word said in chat which is "dumbass", and that's just out of frustration and not really used to be offensive. As for the OP, I'm sure he'll need extensive counselling for me saying this one word.

I only have 4hrs on this server, so I don't know what's up with a ban request especially seeing as this kid was getting much more said to him by other players than me.

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Israelite - by PizzaHutModhunt - 01-09-2015, 01:46 AM
RE: Israelite - by Israelite - 01-09-2015, 02:15 PM
RE: Israelite - by Venom - 01-09-2015, 05:01 PM

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