Weapons Lag When Shooting
AMD processor **giggles**.

On a serious note, there is honestly nothing you can do.
I have spent countless hours looking into this and I can tell you what is causing it and how much the percentage of each(Guesses:
-ricochet from hitting props(60%)
-gun smoke(20%)
-The entities of the bullets hitting the ground(20%)

I have been able to disable the gun smoke of the(Note, this is the madcow pack) guns but it really didn't do anything for me at-all. Trying to disable the ricochet client side and the bullets hitting the ground I had no luck it. I even went straight to the maker of the weapon pack... That didn't work, he never added me :/.

Long story short, if you find an answer to stop this lag, tell me because I am clueless on this topic.


Messages In This Thread
Weapons Lag When Shooting - by infiSTAR.de - 01-06-2015, 05:00 PM
RE: Weapons Lag When Shooting - by User 12049 - 01-06-2015, 05:56 PM
RE: Weapons Lag When Shooting - by Floodify - 01-06-2015, 06:01 PM

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